- 3680 Wilshire Blvd, Ste. P04 - 1336, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA
- 1-888-727-7204 (USA)
- 1-800-950-458 (Australia)
- inquiry@penculturesolutions.com
Why Wait to Get Your Suspense and Thriller Manuscript Published?
Putting together a book that is sure to give people chills when they read it is no easy task. What is even harder though is to get such a book picked up by a literary agent and by a publisher willing to bank on your story. Why go through all the hassle and frustration that comes with such a route when you can self-publish your book and get it to your readers faster?
Choose from the many self-publishing options that Readers’ Magnet has for you to utilize. No need to worry about not getting your story out to fans of suspense and thriller books. All you need to do is to find the right package for your self-publishing needs and you will be able to get your book out sooner than if you relied on other avenues for publishing.
How We Can Help You
Working with Readers’ Magnet gives you access to:
- A hassle-free process for publishing your manuscript
- Three printing formats to choose from which include hardbound, paperback, and e-book
- Create and use your own cover and interior illustrations or choose from our library
- Manuscript review, editing, and layout services
- Full color and black & white book choices
- Marketing service options to help promote and distribute your book
While you are getting your book out there, this entire process also lets you retain copyright ownership of your work. This means that you are the sole owner of your brainchild, giving you the freedom to decide what to do with it. You are in control and you can start exercising that control by publishing your thriller and suspense book the best way you think it should be published. Click here to begin today!
3680 Wilshire Blvd, Ste.
P04 - 1336, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA
Send A Message
1-888-727-7204 (USA)
1-800-950-458 (Australia)
Opening Hour
Mon-Sat (8.00-6.00)
Sun (Closed)
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