Beyond Surviving


Beyond Surviving is the memoir of a California native daughter. Born in the South Bay of Los Angeles at the end of WWII, and raised in the Mojave Desert, I returned to Los Angeles to study at my mother’s alma mater, UCLA during the early 1960’s, a period of hope, change and a challenge to the status quo. Ready to jump out of school and into life, I got a job at a bank in Beverly Hills and met the man of my dreams, tall, good looking, intelligent, fun and very charismatic. After 4 years of dating, I finally married him, not realizing that my life would change in ways I never imagined. After 20 years together, my life had turned into a series of desertions and I decided to take my son and leave him. He turned on the charm and begged for a second chance. Believing the marriage vows I took, I stayed to work things out. That’s when it all descended into Hell!

E-book: $5.99 Paperback: $10.99 Hardback: $14.99




Karen is a domestic violence survivor who became an activist in 1982 to share her story as Community Educator and helped lobby for the first Domestic Violence Law. She then was invited to be on the CA Attorney General’s Task Force to work with other law enforcement offices, D.A.s and judges, to write a curriculum for training Police and Sheriff’s on responding to a domestic violence call. She then trained L.A.P.D. Next, she was recruited to create and implement a victim advocate program in the L.A. City Attorney’s office. Now an author, she has written a book about her experiences, life lessons learned, and resources.


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