




The town of Mill Creek is filled with all kinds of people. This story focuses on three families in the small berg, each facing their own serous dilemmas as the Christmas Holiday rolls up. The Carters, The Dawkins and the Wells. The Carter’s have just suffered the loss of their father, the patriarch of the family, Oliver Carter. They are gathering as a family for Christmas as well as for the memorial service and reading of Oliver’s will. Theirs is a story of a family that was once fiercely loyal and devoted to one another, now facing this dilemma in tatters. There are complications to the reading of the will. Charges are leveled that the eldest brother, Michael has been making changes to the will that give his other siblings reason to doubt his intentions.

Several local lawyers are worried that there may be foul play going on with Michael, who has also been chosen by his father to be the executor of his will. Gloria is the second oldest and a doctor. She and the other two siblings are suspicious about the tinkering Michael has been doing on their father’s will. Michael was hired by his father to be the company attorney and has been selected as the executor of the will. The reading of the will is scheduled for the day after Christmas and the tension builds to that point. The Dawkins family are facing a different type of struggle, as a night of infidelity has left their marriage on precarious grounds. Leonard and Molly have always been known in Mill Creek as the perfect couple. Camelot revisited. On a business trip, Leonard who hasn’t drank in several years, has a few rounds with his co-workers and ends up becoming involved with a young co-worker.

He confesses his indiscretion to Molly as soon as he arrives home and she becomes extremely upset. She demands that Leonard fire the girl immediately, but he fails to do so. He simply moves her to a different department in their firm and this fuels Molly’s suspicions that the affair is ongoing, when in reality, it was a one-night stand.

E-book: $6.99 Paperback: $10.99




Steve Garrett is a long-time resident of a small town in Oregon, raising his family here, while serving as Associate Pastor and Youth Pastor. The last two decades of his working career were spent in Public Education. He is currently retired, spending time with their ten grandchildren, while avidly pursuing his writing career. Married for 42 years to his high school sweetheart, Jeanne, who is also a retired educator. Steve has also enjoyed coaching for over 30 years and was the Varsity Softball Coach at his local high from 2005 through 2017. Coaching remains a huge part of his life as well.

Their love for the youth of the community is widely known and respected. They have five children of their own, all now grown, leaving the couple as empty nesters, but still strongly connected to all their children and grandchildren. Steve was ordained as a minister in 1995 and enjoys writing, music, golf and has recently discovered Pickleball, to remain active and in shape. Through his lifestyle, ministry and writing, he seeks to bring every person into a fuller relationship with God. He is a big fan of happy endings.


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