God and Science: A Road Map to Miracles Using Psych-K


There is a cosmic energy in the universe that is all creative. We are using this energy every day whether we know it or not.

For thousands of years this energy has been recognized by the spiritual world. Today with the advent of quantum science and sophisticated technology we are able to measure these subtle frequencies and amass data which confirms what we have always known. What was once perceived as metaphysical is now being proven in laboratories on a subatomic level.

Most of us are unaware of this invisible and all powerful energy. We are operating on auto pilot and reacting to every circumstance that comes into our life. We are misusing this energy to support our fears and limitations. We keep repeating the same painful and destructive patterns.

As soon as we begin to acknowledge this power we try using positive thinking and affirmations. When this isn’t working we think we need more will power and we blame ourselves. 

The reason that this isn’t working is because we are using the wrong part of our mind. We are using our conscious mind. What we discover is that in order to make sustainable changes we need to use our subconscious mind. We can now interact with our subconscious mind. PSYCH-K® uses ancient wisdom and neuroscience to make immediate and sustainable changes in our subconscious mind. We can bring traumas and limiting beliefs to light. When we can see what has been holding us back and making us sick, we are able to create new beliefs. We are able to replace the beliefs that are sabotaging us with new beliefs that create health, wealth and joy. We can now harness this unlimited power and we can live in peace, joy and love. We can rise to our highest vibration.

We are spiritual beings living in a physical word. As spiritual beings we are all one. We are connected and interdependent upon each other. When we raise our vibration, we are raising the vibration of the world. We are living in a time when we can accelerate our human potential beyond anything we have ever imagined.

KINDLE: $3.99  – PAPERBACK: $8.99 – HARDCOVER: $15.99




Gauthier, Linda

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