Maratón Sobre Ruedas: Viviendo con una Discapacidad Física


Conozca cómo una mujer en silla de ruedas y con parálisis cerebral halló su propósito como bibliotecaria y en el ministerio ordenado.

Descubra cómo vivir con determinación siendo una persona con discapacidad física. Aprenda a vivir todos los días con una discapacidad física.

Obtenga conocimientos, tanto de amigos como de profesionales de la salud, para  saber cómo relacionarse de forma comprensiva con las personas con una discapacidad física. 

E-book: $5.99  Hardcover: $16.99 Paperback: $10.99




Heather was born in India with a neurological condition, cerebral palsy, which affects her ability to move comfortably or speedily. She now uses a wheelchair. After a university education in behavioural sciences, librarianship and theology, Heather was employed as a librarian with the Australian Council for Rehabilitation of Disabled and was later ordained as a Uniting Church in Australia minister. Her working life continued with the Uniting Church Ipswich Central Mission (Chaplain with people with intellectual disabilities) and Camden Theological Library (Associate Librarian). Her ministry in aged care chaplaincy began in Mayflower Retirement village, Gerringong NSW. Ministry continued with UnitingCare Ageing Central Coast as chaplain. Retirement now leaves her time to spend with family and hobbies. Heather likes reading biography and murder mystery. Swimming also gives her pleasure. Heather volunteers in pastoral care and occasional preaching. She lives in Thornlands, Queensland, Australia.


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