The Eucalypt Tree


It is the early 1800s and German brothers Wilhelm and Heinrich Freck lived at home with their parents in a small farming village near Hamburg.

Their farm grew vegetables and had been handed down through the family for generations. Working in the vegetable gardens were all the brothers knew, but they were not happy. Their father was a hard man and worked his sons into the ground.

Historical tale of three families from different parts of the world who try to make new lives on the rough and dangerous goldfields of Australia.

It is during the 1800s where they faced hardships, terror. and uncertainty. Originally, two German Brothers from a farming village near Hamburg, found their way to Carisdale on the Victorian Goldfields of Victoria Australia.

It was a rough life they had never known before. They worked hard but couldn’t make their fortune.

Their lives turned in a completely different direction when they discovered excitement and love with two of the English sisters.

This is a fictional tale based on fact and will tug at the heartstrings as readers follow their lives filled with adventure, terror, and above all, love!

KINDLE: $8.35 – PAPERBACK: $61.60 – HARDCOVER: $32.24




Taylor-Saville, Maggie


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