
Pursue Your Dream of Becoming a Romance Writer Today!

In romance novels, the guy often gets the girl, no matter what the odds. If the guy gets the girl despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles, why shouldn’t you get your chance at becoming a published romance writer despite all the competition and hurdles in the way? You actually don’t need to wait for a literary agent or a publisher to see just how spectacular your manuscript is. All you need is to fulfill your dreams on your own terms with the help of self-publishing.
Readers’ Magnet gives you the chance to become a published romance author with the many self-publishing options that we have. Aside from getting to see your book in print, you also get to experience everything that a published author gets to experience, like book fairs, book signing, and other similar book marketing activities. You also get the chance to customize your book with layout, illustration, and color options at your fingertips.

This is How We Can Help You

Readers’ Magnet can get your book from raw to published and distributed by:
When you get your manuscript published, you not only become a published romance author, but you also retain the copyrights to your book. This means that all throughout this process and even after, you still own your work. You get to decide what should be done with it before, during, and after it gets published. Want to find out more? Click here so you can get started on your path to becoming a published romance novelist.
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