Opportunity Knocked


Growing up on a small family farm in the shadows of Yellowstone National Park, Clyde Seely  learned the importance of hard work, strong family ties and making the best of any  circumstance. He uses warm and engaging stories with nuggets of interesting insights and lessons learned in relating the trials and successes of his life’s story.

Then opportunity knocked.

Follow Clyde’s first-hand experience as he relives the conflicts and challenges that transformed the young farm boy into a successful businessman who helped make West Yellowstone, Montana into the renowned destination town it has become. Whether it was increasing tourism with the Painted Buffalo project, leading the massive effort of fighting the 1988 fires of Yellowstone, keeping public winter access open to Yellowstone, or a variety of community improvements, Clyde’s innovative solutions, optimism and faith helped to change the course of this region.

Like a pebble tossed in a pond causes ripples to spread across the entire surface, key people  have had a positive influence on Clyde’s life. He has cast his own pebbles, as he has strived to  make life better for others who pause to know him or the great town of West Yellowstone.

E-book: $4.99 Paperback: $13.99




Growing up on a small family farm in the shadows of Yellowstone National Park, Clyde Glen Seely learned the importance of hard work, strong family ties and making the best of any circumstance. His first childhood responsibility was feeding bum lambs on the farm in Twin Groves, Idaho. Then opportunity knocked. Follow Clyde’s first-hand experiences as he relives the conflicts, challenges, and successes that transformed the young farm boy into a successful businessman who helped influence the future of West Yellowstone, Montana. Whether it was increasing tourism with the Painted Buffalo project, leading the massive effort of fighting the 1988 fires of Yellowstone, keeping public winter access open to Yellowstone, or a variety of community improvements, Clyde’s innovative solutions, optimism and faith helped to change the course of this region. Like a pebble tossed in a pond causes ripples to spread across the entire surface, key people have had a positive influence on Clyde’s life. He has cast his own pebbles, as he has strived to make life better for others who pause to know him or the great town of West Yellowstone.

In 1965, after completing his Bachelor’s degree, Clyde Seely came to West Yellowstone to teach. While teaching, he and his wife, Linda, purchased Three Bear Lodge, something Clyde could have never imagined when he first began working there as a laundry boy at age nineteen. Since then, Clyde has developed and operated multiple businesses, served in local ecclesiastical leadership, volunteered on many boards and committees, and helped revolutionize tourism in West Yellowstone. Clyde has frequented Washington D. C. as a leading advocate for the proper use and balance of snowmobiles and snowcoaches in Yellowstone National Park and has been inducted into the International Snowmobile Hall of Fame. Today, he still continues to use his “farm boy” work ethics and passion for West Yellowstone to make a difference in the lives of those around him. Clyde and Linda are the parents of five children and eleven grandchildren.


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