A Sailing Dream


To sail a yacht at sea is an experience of being at one with the elements of wind and water. A yacht is a living thing when it is in its element and responds always in sympathy with them. It heels under the weight of a breeze and cuts and slides up, over, and through the waves in a beautiful motion. This is a book of thirty drawings and watercolors that cover a day of racing, from heading out of the harbor to being safely anchored at the end of the day and from the drama of the start, through the beat to windward, to straining under the pull of a full spinnaker, and finally, the finish.

E-book: $5.99 Paperback: $25.00




Simon Shaw, 62, lives in Melbourne, Australia and is an Architect, by training. He has sailed and raced small and large Ocean Racing yachts all his life, around the East Coast of Australia. He started sailing with his father, in a 12 ft. dingy, and were Australian Champions in their Class in the 1970’s. He currently owns his own 34 ft. yacht, and sails on Port Phillip Bay, in Melbourne.


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